Stone Mountain Covered Bridge

From Stone Mountai...

There are some 16 covered bridges still in existence in the State of Georgia. The majority of them are in the general vicinity of Atlanta (That is within about two and a half hours of us). I want to go visit them all (map), and will eventually, but the one I am most familiar with is what is known now as the Stone Mountain Covered Bridge.

This covered bridge was brought to this point in 1964, after being purchased by the Stone Mountain Park group for a nominal fee of $1. Today, spans a road to bring you to the Indian Island picnic area across a portion of the Stone Mountain Lake. It is also one of the attractions on the Stone Mountain Loop Trail. If you drive instead of walk, you may drive across it, but it is not in public usage like the Concord Covered Bridge.

It was built in 1892 in Clarke County near Athens to span the Oconee River. The builder was Washington W. King, who was the son of the freed slave and noted bridge builder Horace King (also here).
Washington is also responsible for the grand bridge at Watson Mill State Park near Comer and the Euharlee Creek Bridge near Cartersville. It is built with a very interesting lattice structure and spans 151 feet. It is now most commonly known as the Stone Mountain Bridge but has had other names. It was called the College Avenue Bridge because of its location on College Avenue and its proximity to the University of Georgia. It was called the Oconee River Bridge because it spanned the Oconee River. But most interestingly it was called Effie’s Bridge after a nearby bordello. I don’t quite understand why we don’t use that one today, it’s much more colorful.

It was decommissioned in 1964 because it was deemed unsafe for public transportation. But because of its ties to Georgia’s history and a need for salvation it was moved to its current location. I assume some necessary repairs were made to allow the minimal traffic it conveys today. I know that it was shortened from its original length by about 30 feet (to its current 151 feet) upon its arrival at Stone Mountain.

Stone Mountain is one of my favorite places in the Atlanta Area and it consistently takes top honors as the top attraction in the area. If you want to drive across the bridge you will have to pay for parking ($8 day use, $35 annual pass, I have always found this annual pass well worth the money.)


  1. Oh wow! I cannot count the number of times I have crossed that bridge. When my grandmother was in a girl, she had to cross the bridge every day to go to school. When I was a little girl, my dad would drive really slow over the bridge. We would roll down the windows and listen to the creaking boards. My dad would say, "This is what it sounded like when wagons would cross years ago." I have alot of great memories of that bridge! Thank you so much for sharing it!

  2. Would you mind if I used your photos of the bridge to make scrapbook pages of my memories of the it? Thanks so much!

  3. Just surfing the net and found your blog. The photos are awesome!

  4. i wish you would put how wide it is
