Atlanta History Center


One of my favorite spots in Atlanta to get out of the heat or to get away from the approaching cold is the Atlanta History Center. It comprises 10 or so exhibits at any given time, some temporary, some permanent. The three cornerstones of the museum complex are the History Center with its collection of Civil War Artifacts and Local History, along with the Tullie Smith Farm and the Swan House.

The History Center’s beginnings date back to the 1820’s, but its current majestic location in Buckhead began in 1989. The permanent exhibits include Atlanta History, a tribute to Atlanta Native and master golfer Bobby Jones, an Olympics exhibition, the Civil War collection, a local Folk Art retrospective, and a presentation on the Architecture of Phillip Shutze.

I don’t want to drone on and on about the site, but it merit’s a visit and revisit. I took my 14 year old godson to the site and he enjoyed it. The Olympic stuff is very interactive. The civil war exhibit had guns, and swords, and cannonballs, along with uniforms and much information. The Bobby Jones exhibit included golf clubs and Masters jackets and trophies. The Folk art exhibition’s highlights were a listening room for Uncle Remus Tales and Southern Preaching/Song Traditions.

I always try to keep the financial aspect in mind, so I want to remind ever body that AtlanTix can get you tickets for $10.72, saving 4 bucks of the $15 admission. But mostly I post this because this is the most interesting museum in town and should be appreciated.

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